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What Is the Difference Between Family and Internal Medicine?

May 31, 2022

When you find yourself having to choose a doctor or switch doctors, you might come across some new terms that describe various types of medical practitioners that you may not be familiar with. According to Intend Health Strategies, adults living in the U.S. have 19% lower odds of prematurely dying if they have a primary care provider compared to those who only seek medical specialists for their care. This is why you must do a little research before you make a decisive stance on which doctor you choose.

Which Is Better: Internal Medicine or Family Medicine?

Family medicine practitioners and internal medicine practitioners—referred to as internists—both practice as physicians. The main difference between them is that
internal medicine physicians address medical conditions in adults while family medicine physicians specialize in treating patients regardless of their ages. To determine which type of physician is suitable for you, you will first consider these factors


Both internal doctors and family doctors are required to complete their medical school studies before they commence their respective residencies. Based on their specialty, they then complete their training in outpatient and inpatient medical care. Family medicine physicians may get trained on health concerning women while internal medicine physicians might focus their training on cardiology or gynecology. For internists, their education consists of specialized medical care which is not the focus of the education of family doctors. Family doctors are more suitable for when you are on the look for a new doctor for your children.


Another thing to consider is the post-graduate training of both family doctors and internal doctors. Residency is the training medical students receive as they shadow a licensed doctor in a medical care facility. Completing their respective residencies shows the willingness of family doctors and internal doctors to serve you to the best of their abilities and solve any medical condition you may be ailing from.


Though it's important on its own, education is not a certified guarantee that a person is a good doctor. You need to first verify how long your doctor has been a medical practitioner and how effective they are when treating patients.

Regardless of who you choose, both internal and family doctors offer medical services for the benefit of you as the person seeking health treatment. You must look into more information on which type of doctor you choose to ensure you get the right treatment and medication. Visit a medical facility today to inquire more about this and be given the direction forward.

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